making mud gorgeous. why shouldn't you feather your own nest?

meaning to-do monday..

amongst the crazy chaos (busy & fun, but still crazy & chaos) last week i shared a little quote:

"if your shelves are dusty & your pots don't shine
its because you have better things to do with your time..."

i am first to admit i have had way better things to do with my time lately & unfortunately
when we get caught up in our busy lifestyles - the piles get higher, the weeks role into one & 
the list of things we've been 'meaning to do' in our nests seems to grow!

do you also have a growing list of all the little odd jobs you have been meaning to do?

so i am starting & sharing with you 'meaning to do monday'!

lets take your to do list & break it down.  each monday i will send a reminder to you to choose one chore 'you have been meaning to do' & inspire you to get it done & crossed off the list!

this can be a small job or big job, but only one job at a time.

here are some ideas..
sort your winter to summer clothes, clean the iron, sort the bathroom cupboard & throw out the empty jars & bottles, sort the stack of school newsletters that are piling up on the fridge, go thru that pile of shoes around the back door, clean out the fridge  - get the idea?

all these jobs listed together would take forever, which is why it is easy to put them off!  but doing one thing at a time it is much easier to achieve & how much better do you feel when you have finally got something done that you have been meaning to do!

so lets go.. today is monday - what one job have you been meaning to do in your nest? do it!

for me it was to fix the towel hanger in the bathroom beside the handbasin that had been pulled down by my darling little nesters weeks ago - big tick, job done! how nice to have a towel close by to dry my hands! oh, the simple things in life..!

many of you enjoyed my 'flowers for friday'  i was regularly blogging, until i got caught up in
 my own busy-ness.  so back on my list of things i have been meaning to do, i will be 
refreshing the friday blogs to read 'feather your nest friday' where you choose
 one nice thing to do to your nest to make it a happy one for the weekend!

 get that one chore you have been meaning to do crossed off your list & see you friday..

image 1 by koka_sexton courtesy of Flickr Creative Commons.
image 2 by