making mud gorgeous. why shouldn't you feather your own nest?

the way nests were once feathered..

yesterday i helped out with my son's school excursion to a historic village museum 
- well i think i was the most excited one! 

there where many blank 'oh? 's, why's & whats that? thru the mouths of babes - how they giggled when told that children's after school jobs were to work in the dairy & keep mums log box beside the fire stove full so she could cook dinner! what no tv?! you sit around listening to a piano? what is that bowl under the bed for? a horse took you to school! too cute!

i think it is nice to have a grounding reminder of how life was lived in nests' before the
 mod-con, technological & convenient society we live in today.
 our basic needs to eat, sleep, shelter, wash, iron, keep food cool, & be entertained in our nests are still the same - it is the choices we have to feather them today
 that influences how we live out those basic needs.

most of the pictures i took (sorry for the photo quality but i was trying to supervise 5yo's at the same time who love to touch!), was actually 'modern' compared to the wood huts & log chairs we also saw.  vintage pieces are very much a part of interior decorating society now days, & many pieces sort after.
as goes the saying 'if you keep something long enough it comes back into fashion'!?
 sharing some pieces i just loved & would adore to have in my own nest now!

how i adored this icebox chest!

a comment made about the tricycle - 'that doesn't look like it would go very fast"!

oh i would love these wicker chairs on my deck!

i admit my least favourite chore is ironing, but seeing the old irons that need to be heated on the wood stove before rubbing onto the bees wax, did make me feel a little love for my electric iron.

my nest interior style is to mix the old & new, 'rustic glam' - i love the sleek modern look & love to add character & feel to the room with old pieces that could tell many stories! 
the good ol' days? in some ways, maybe.
i am not sure i would go as far back as having these items at home to actually use, but certainly to decorate in feathering my nest, & to take a moment to appreciate the way it was.