making mud gorgeous. why shouldn't you feather your own nest?

roses are red..

i have had a week of needing the colour red in my days! red lippy, red shoes, red paint, red wine & even the need to add some red to my blog page!

apart from the chill of winter that has set in & the need to feel bright & warm,  i believe my red inspiration has come from my gorgeous dozen red roses that bloomed this week!

ironically i really don't love red roses & i haven't inherited a green thumb in the garden like the rest of my family, but somehow on a rose bush that was already planted in my garden by previous owners i have managed to bloom twelve perfect red roses! and i love them!

so of course red roses are my flowers for friday! i have a few gorgeous friends to be grateful for this week also so i have loved sharing some bright & warm red with them too.

hope you enjoy some bright & warm red from my dozen roses too & have a fabulous w'endx