making mud gorgeous. why shouldn't you feather your own nest?

365 grateful..

grateful for my flower for friday
i was really touched to read the article in the queensland Qweekend magazine last weekend about one woman's daily pursuit of happiness.

in an effort to fight depression, Hailey Bartholomew started a photographic project called 365grateful  where she took one polaroid a day of something she felt grateful for - anything from her daughter riding a bike to a row of just-rained on gumboots.  the discipline of having to look for the good things in every day changed her life in a multiple of ways & wondrously impacted the lives of many others.  Hailey put her project on Flikr & hundreds of people began to do their own 365 grateful projects. along with Hailey's project other stories will now be told in 365 grateful - the documentary.

i have been thinking about it all week & have finally made the time to read thru her site.  i loved learning about all the different interpretations of the grateful project & it got me thinking about how one of the pleasures i receive with my journey at nest is helping people to be grateful for not only in every day life, but also within your own nests. we often talk about the importance of appreciating people & values, of which is of upmost importance to me, but i also think it is important to appreciate the 'things & stuff' around us too, as these 'things & stuff' make up the nests we love to call home.

my page on 'moodboards' & blog on 'flowers for friday' is a growing reflection of some little things & ways i hope can make you feel grateful for the nest you live in.  a quote on my page reads 'its not what you look at that matters, its what you see' - if all you look at in your nest is the untidy chaos created by every day life - then why not take a moment each day to see beyond the chaos (that is actually only created because it is a nest being lived & loved in!) & be grateful too for the little things around you - pieces, gifts, favourite bed linen, books, art, a chair, framed photos, a special cushion or a happy purchases.. all these 'things & stuff' make the chaos around you your home.  be grateful for them too..

there are a number of things i feel grateful for today, but in keeping with my flowers for friday theme, i choose to share the simple stunning passionfruit flowers growing outside, one of which i have popped in a little dish in the bathroom.

what are your flowers for friday & what will you be grateful for in your nest today?

have a gorgeous grateful weekend!x